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Love Your Body - Power Yoga - Saltbush Sista



  • Sunday 2nd February - Express Chill V...

    Happy Day 13 Sis, over the hump of the challenge now. Today we are having a quick stretch out, a nice slow flow, keeping it short a sweet for your mid week, mid challenge flow! Enjoy the slow chill vibes with me.
    Lots of Love, Em x

  • Inner Thigh Galore - Pilates - Saltbu...

    Holy cow this is going to burn. Did you know your thigh adductors (inner thighs) consist of 5 MUSCLES. So lets use them all in this spicy flow, make sure you share the results of this flow with your saltbush sista.
    Lots of love, Lauz x

  • Spinal Love - Power Yoga - Saltbush S...

    It's time for us to send that spine some love, its does a lot more for us then you even know - so today is all about the spinal love in our power flow!
    Get ready to move into the last week of our challenge together Saltbush Sista's! Keep grovin'
    Han xx