Hello to our beautiful SALTBUSH SISTAS!!
Our second challenge of the year is here, how wild! Time flies when you're having fun ;)
We are so excited to have a whole new level of connection, community and movement in this challenge, and we are so stoked that your coming along for the ride again! This is our first challenge with our new Mat Pilates Queen, LAURA!! Be scared chicks - she's a fire cracker, in the best way possible ;)
Grab your Saltbush Sista and lets find the mat!
Love, Em, Caz, Han and Laura xxx

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  • Welcome To Saltbush Sista's!

    So glad you could join us on the mat for the second challenge of 2024 - Saltbush Sista!
    Grab your best gal pal and lets move our bodies together!
    Love always,
    Em xx

  • Day 1 - Saucy Sista Sweat - Pilates - Saltbush Sista

    HELLOOO Saltbush Sista's! Day 1, yay. We're spicing it right up from the start. Remember your Saltbush Sis is there by your side to help you through, lets sweat chicks, enjoy!
    Lots of love, Em xx

  • Day 2 - Saltbush Sista Sliding - Pilates - Saltbush Sista

    Get ready to slide straight into the Challenge with your Sista on day 2. Delivering some sliding good times, this is a full body experience of legs, core and arms. And get creative Saltbush Squad, if you don’t have the sliders at home, wear some socks or use tea towels for tiled floors or maybe s...

  • Day 3 - Slow Stretch Vibes - Slow Yoga - Saltbush Sista

    Happy Sunday Saltbush Sistas!!
    Our first flow together for this challenge - YAY, so excited.
    Let's slow it down and stretch it out, exactly what you need on a Sunday!
    Han xx

  • Mighty Monday - Pilates - Saltbush Sista

    Start your week off with a bang! Expect some juicy glute movements (lets build those shoulders!!) and my favourite…..CORE.
    Let me know how you go sista's and lets get cracking.
    Lots of love, Lauz x

  • Beautiful Balance - Power Yoga - Saltbush Sista

    Wobbles are TOTALLY welcome today, I well and truly had them! Haha
    Beautiful balance, lets have some fun, challenge yourself and lean on your Saltbush Sista if you need ;)
    Hope you have a laugh with this one, will be a challenge, but will be fun!
    Han xx

  • Upper Body Bliss - Slow Yoga - Saltbush Sista

    Ahhhh, some upper body bliss today. Sending the love to the shoulders, arms and back in this slow flow. Nothing better - we hold so much tenison here without even realising. Your body will love this.
    Lots of love, Em xx

  • Sun & Moon - Power Yoga - Saltbush Sista

    Happy Day 7 Queens!
    Are you and your Saltbush Sista like the Sun & Moon? The complete opposite but just go together perfectly?
    Today we are working on our Sun Salutations and our little half moon, this one should be fun for you chicks! Hope you love!
    Han xx

  • Day 8 - Perfect Plie - Pilates - Saltbush Sista

    Channel your inner ballerina with the perfect plie. Lunges, plie squats, squats,squats and even more squats!! Your legs are going to be chargrilled so make sure you have a nice hearty meal afterwards to fuel your body!!
    Lots of love, Lauz x

  • Day 9 - RIP Booty - Pilates

    Hey Queens,
    Don't be fooled by this no-equipment booty burn. It's short and spicy and will leave that booty burning! If you want a little more, grab your ankle weights and booty band - if not. See you on the mat. Big love. Em xx

  • Breathe Sis - Slow Yoga - Saltbush Sista

    BREATHE, I think I said Breathe or Breath 500 times in the flow.. but maybe we need that reminder to really chill and and just simply, breathe. Enjoy a slow flow with your Saltbush Sista this Sunday as you get ready to enjoy a new week!
    Love, Han xx

  • Day 11 - Saltbush Sista Spice - Pilates - Saltbush Sista

    No equipment for this Pilates session today, but you will need to bring your A game and your Saltbush Sista of course. Think spiceand all things nice for this session. Turning it up a little bit more for Day 11.
    You’re welcome. Caz Xox

  • Love Your Body - Power Yoga - Saltbush Sista

    FULL BODY LOVE - Yesss, just what the doctor ordered. And with your Saltbush Sis, thats really what the doctor ordered. Instead of focusing on certain area's today, we are going the whole hog, sharing the love throughout the entire body. Enjoy queens!
    Han xx

  • Sunday 2nd February - Express Chill Vibes - Slow Yoga

    Happy Day 13 Sis, over the hump of the challenge now. Today we are having a quick stretch out, a nice slow flow, keeping it short a sweet for your mid week, mid challenge flow! Enjoy the slow chill vibes with me.
    Lots of Love, Em x

  • Inner Thigh Galore - Pilates - Saltbush Sista

    Holy cow this is going to burn. Did you know your thigh adductors (inner thighs) consist of 5 MUSCLES. So lets use them all in this spicy flow, make sure you share the results of this flow with your saltbush sista.
    Lots of love, Lauz x

  • Spinal Love - Power Yoga - Saltbush Sista

    It's time for us to send that spine some love, its does a lot more for us then you even know - so today is all about the spinal love in our power flow!
    Get ready to move into the last week of our challenge together Saltbush Sista's! Keep grovin'
    Han xx

  • Day 16 - SPICY Legs - Pilates - Saltbush Sista

  • Day 17 - Find Stillness - Slow Yoga - Saltbush Sista

    Completely slowing it down, being still, breathing and a lot of self love. Enjoy a bit of meditation/mindfulness at the start to full relax into your mat space today and enjoy the slow stretch with me and your Saltbush Sis.
    Han xx

  • Day 18 - I’ll Be There For You - Pilates

  • Day 19 - Sista Strength - Power Yoga - Saltbush Sista

    Fire up chicks - our last flow together for this challenge, lets make it a good one. Find that strength with your sista today and power through it. Enjoy the heat, you got this Sis! Be so proud of yourself!
    Han xx

  • Day 20 - The Sisterhood of Travelling 'Planks' - Pilates - Saltbush Sista

    Planks are for everyone so let’s test ourselves with the deadly challenge of a 1 minute plank as your cardio finisher!!! Also, sista's remember if you’re not at a full 1 minute plank yet don’t stress, give your best that’s all I ask.
    Lots of love, Lauz x

  • Day 21 - WE MADE IT - Slow Flow Yoga - Saltbush Sista