Day 8 - Gingerbread Man - Pilates
Mat Pilates
Do you make gingerbread (men or a house)? I can't wait to see Caitie, one of our Squad babes...amazing creation! But for now, let's find the mat for a juicy burn for some new moves I am trialling out - RIP! And let me know how you go. Em xx
Up Next in Mat Pilates
Studio Core - Pilates - The Opening C...
Day 1 - Riding Into Christmas - Pilates
Think riding your way into Christmas with a little juicy burn to start with...I normally hit you Squad babes HARD for the first flow, but let's just say, we'll ease our way in.
If you want to add a little extra spice, grab a booty band and RIP to you!
Super excited for this one. Let's "Ride i...
Day 9 - Prawn Cocktail - Pilates
Do you love a good Yabbie or Prawn cocktail over Chrissy? Well, who doesn’tright? (tune in and you’ll found out who actually doesn’t, hahaha). This flow is inspired by catching the Yabbies, or bringing home the prawns, which you’ll need that upper body strength for. Plus, a little core too becaus...