Day 14 - Office Chair Dust Off - Pilates
Mat Pilates
Have a last-minute guest, or maybe got the head count wrong for the Xmas table? That’s alright. Dust off that office chair, or whatever chair you can get a hold of, and ta da, you’re sorted. Much like you will be in this flow today. Yes, we’re inspired, chair inspired that is. So, grab that chair and let’s get into it. Full body Festivities right here as you get closer to the last day of the challenge. And much like day 9, to add a little more spice, if you have a resistance band you can add it in too, only if you want ;)
Up Next in Mat Pilates
OG Studio Burn - Pilates - The Openin...
Day 9 - Beyonce Booty - Pilates
Who's ready to get a Beyonce Booty? HELL YEAH! No equipment needed, but if you want more spice, grab your ankle weights or booty band. Head to link in comments and lets get moving! Big love. Em xx
Get Your Groove Back - Plank & Abs (P...
We get straight into it in this flow with spinal rolls and then we find the fiery planks. Then we move into a toe tapping series bringing the fire to the core.
We then stretch out with a twist and few breaths to end. Happy flowing.
Em xx