Twist it Out
Slow Flow Yoga
We start sitting to feel grounded, and get straight into some gentle twists, followed by a slow ripple with more heart opening twists.
We then find a little flow, back onto the ground and find some slow, gentle eagle arms with a crocodile twist to end.
Up Next in Slow Flow Yoga
Making Movements
A nice slow flow that is making movement. Linking breath between each pose (although I do have a stack in this one) haha. But it's all part of it! Focusing on balance, calves, hamstrings and glutes.
With a supported bridge, legs up the wall and supta baddha konasana. Ending with our alternate no...
Woking 9 to 5
Workin 9 to 5 (trying to make a living)! This one's for you (but let's be real, most of us are 6 - 10) haha.
This flow is targeting the upper body (to release that hunch that we all seem to do in front of a computer, phone or traveling long distances in the car).
We also release the hip flexo...
Full Body Love
Perfect to start your day or great before jumping into bed. A few little twists, shoulder love, hippy love, hamstring love! It's a goodie!
Sometimes we just need to slow things down...Life is BUSY, so just changing into first gear is sometimes just what we need.