A perfect little flow to get you moving this morning. We are most still in the morning, so let's have a wiggle and get the body moving together. It hopefully will start your day in the best possible way!
Enjoy. Em xx
Day 11 - Warrior Two Love - Power Yog...
Warrior two can be a tricky one to master. We need to ensure our front knee doesn't dump in (we don't want to put pressure on the knee). Let's work on our alignment in this flow (and get a little warm too). Let's flow.
Em xx -
Day 12 - Sweat Baby Sweat - Pilates -...
Go hard and we can rest after in my moto for today's flow. We are starting with a nice dynamic movement today (if I can get my words out) haha.
We find a bridge flow, side lying series finishing with a plank. Hope you enjoy.
Caz x
Day 13 - Hamstring Stretch - Slow Yog...
Oh I am excited about this one. Our hamstrings often get forgotten about, but not today. We also explore our pyramid pose, which is juicy and challenging, so don't force it. Just move your body in whatever way will work for you today and hopefully your hamstrings like a little release. Em xx