A big "GROOVY" welcome to our first challenge of 2023! This challenge is aimed to get your body moving, get back into a "groove" and hopefully make you feel good from the inside out. From Pilates to slow flows, power flows and meditations this is the perfect mix for mind and body.

In each comment section of each video there is a link to a Spotify playlist that I have created and that I think will best suit the flow. But feel free to use your own music if you like.

So let's get into it and I can't wait to #getgroovy with you!

Let's jump in.

Big love. Em xx

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  • DAY 1 - WELCOME to the GET YOUR GROOVE BACK Challenge

    A HUGE welcome to our first challenge of 2023! I hope you are ready to GET YOUR GROOVE BACK Squad babes!

    Let's lock the hubs in, stick together and find our groove! This challenge is for you! So I truely hope that you love it as much as I have putting it together for you.

    So with out further ...

  • Day 1 - Bootylicious - Pilates - Get Your Groove Back

    A 20 min Pilates flow focusing on the booty! Now remember if you haven’t found the mat in a wile, take it slow. You don’t have to keep up with me, I’d rather you slow it down and stay in control.

    It’s going to be a good one - Think little warm up, oil riggers, horse kicks, fire hydrants, side l...

  • Day 2 - Hi Abs - Pilates - Get Your Groove Back

    We warm up with movement in the spine and then find some planks to engage our core. We strategically heat to our plank series.

    We then find our neutral spine and build up again in layers with our core.

    Some beautiful twists to end and some extra chill time.

    Enjoy. Em xx

  • Day 3 - Hip Love - Slow Yoga - Get Your Groove Back

    This is a dynamic slow flow aiming to send some extra love and groovy vibes to your hips. We find some flow within, but then also find some longer holds.

    It's a beautiful balanced flow - Hope you love it.

    Em xx

  • Day 4 - Full Body Bliss - Pilates - Get Your Groove Back

    A short but spicy flow! The perfect flow to get the groovy vibes happening. Think planks, pushups, booty and twists. It's a goodie! I hope you love my first flow - I'm so excited!

    Caz x

  • Day 5 - Let's Flow - Power Flow Yoga - Get Your Groove Back

    This flow is breaking down the traditional sun salutation A flow (that we do in most of our Saltbush flows) in some capacity. I also sneak in a variation of our sun salutation B.

    Who would have thought a few "flows" could bring up the heart rate so much! So good!

    Enjoy this short flow. EM xx

  • Day 6 - Shoulder Love - Slow Yoga - Get Your Groove Back

    We all carry tension in our shoulders so not only is it good to send them some love, but also in our yoga and pilates we are on our hands weight bearing a lot into our shoulders.

    So it's important to find movement in all parts of the body - Hope your shoulders love it.

    Em xx

  • Day 7 - Full Body Scan - Meditation - Get Your Groove Back

    Today's meditations is focusing on our breathing and try and soften the body and mind with a full body scan. Sometimes connecting to your breath and body can be challenging for us to slow down. But give it a go and I hope you love it. Em xx

  • Day 8 - Booty Burn - Pilates - Get Your Groove Back

    Starting with a dynamic stretch to start with, then building some heat and fire in the middle of the flow, then to warm down some nice static stretches. Hope you you enjoy this booty burn.

    Caz x

  • Day 9 - Plank & Abs - Pilates - Get Your Groove Back

    We get straight into it in this flow with spinal rolls and then we find the fiery planks. Then we move into a toe tapping series bringing the fire to the core.

    We then stretch out with a twist and few breaths to end. Happy flowing.
    Em xx

  • Day 10 - Morning Mobility - Slow Yoga - Get Your Groove Back

    A perfect little flow to get you moving this morning. We are most still in the morning, so let's have a wiggle and get the body moving together. It hopefully will start your day in the best possible way!

    Enjoy. Em xx

  • Day 11 - Warrior Two Love - Power Yoga - Get Your Groove Back

    Warrior two can be a tricky one to master. We need to ensure our front knee doesn't dump in (we don't want to put pressure on the knee). Let's work on our alignment in this flow (and get a little warm too). Let's flow.
    Em xx

  • Day 12 - Sweat Baby Sweat - Pilates - Get Your Groove Back

    Go hard and we can rest after in my moto for today's flow. We are starting with a nice dynamic movement today (if I can get my words out) haha.

    We find a bridge flow, side lying series finishing with a plank. Hope you enjoy.

    Caz x

  • Day 13 - Hamstring Stretch - Slow Yoga - Get Your Groove Back

    Oh I am excited about this one. Our hamstrings often get forgotten about, but not today. We also explore our pyramid pose, which is juicy and challenging, so don't force it. Just move your body in whatever way will work for you today and hopefully your hamstrings like a little release. Em xx

  • Day 14 - Letting Go - Meditation - Get Your Groove Back

    Today's meditation is about focusing on letting go. In our society we have so many expectations, so let's just take a few moments today to stop, pause and breath and let go. Em xx

  • Day 15 - Booty Lunge Squat - Pilates - Get Your Groove Back

    Let's get nice and warm, grab your water at any time you need it through the flow. This flow will be perfect to fire up the lower half of the body - You can thank me later :)

    Caz x

  • Day 16 - Let's Balance - Power Yoga - Get Your Groove Back

    Balance is a hard one for a lot of us, but it's so good to get our groove on and work on it regularly. From standing balances to our crow pose, let's see how wobbly we can get!

    See you on the mat. Em xx

  • Day 17 - Chill Time - Slow Yoga - Get Your Groove Back

    After a big few weeks on the mat, we find some chill time with this slow flow. This flow is mainly on our back, so lots of extra time to really slow the body and breath. So roll out your mat and enjoy your chill time today. Em xx

  • Day 18 - Bring The Heat - Pilates - Get Your Groove Back

    LET'S BRING THE HEAT - we are going to ramp it today focusing on the full body. If you need a little break, please allow yourself that break, but hopefully you love it babes!

    Caz x

  • Day 20 - Rest and Recover - Slow Yoga - Get Your Groove Back

    Oh this is a goodie! Just a beautiful way to get on the mat, have a wiggle and feel good. Think shoulder, chest and hip opening and a few other groovy bits thrown in there which I know you will love. So let's rest and recover together after a big 20 days. Em xx

  • Day 21 - Just Breath - Meditation - Get Your Groove Back

    Sometimes we just need to stop and breath. Our lives are so fast paced, so it's nice to find a slower speed and connect back to our mind and body. Hope you love it. Em xx

  • DAY 21 - WE MADE IT!

    WE MADE IT! Together we did it, the full 21 days! I'm sure there was movements that it was probably a struggle but we did it! I truely hope that you loved the challenge and are feeling back into a bit of a groove and feel good from the inside out! Big love and groovy vibes to you. Em xx