Slow Down and Hold
Slow Flow Yoga
This flow is all about SLOWING DOWN and HOLDING space. Sometimes holding poses for a little longer can really bring up some discomfort physically and emotionally. But sitting in this space is AMAZING for both.
So let's sit together this week much longer holds than normal (think Yin style yoga).
Up Next in Slow Flow Yoga
Twist it Out
We start sitting to feel grounded, and get straight into some gentle twists, followed by a slow ripple with more heart opening twists.
We then find a little flow, back onto the ground and find some slow, gentle eagle arms with a crocodile twist to end.
Making Movements
A nice slow flow that is making movement. Linking breath between each pose (although I do have a stack in this one) haha. But it's all part of it! Focusing on balance, calves, hamstrings and glutes.
With a supported bridge, legs up the wall and supta baddha konasana. Ending with our alternate no...
Woking 9 to 5
Workin 9 to 5 (trying to make a living)! This one's for you (but let's be real, most of us are 6 - 10) haha.
This flow is targeting the upper body (to release that hunch that we all seem to do in front of a computer, phone or traveling long distances in the car).
We also release the hip flexo...