20 Minute Yoga Workouts

20 Minute Yoga Workouts

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20 Minute Yoga Workouts
  • Slow Flow - Winter Blues

    A beautiful flow perfect for a cold winter's day! Today we start in crossed-legged and ripple into some juicy stretches that will leave you feeling fabulous from the inside out! You can grab to blocks too, but they aren't required - just if you are extra tight! Hope you love it. EM xx

  • Get Your Groove Back - Hip Love - Slow Flow Yoga

    This is a dynamic slow flow aiming to send some extra love and groovy vibes to your hips. We find some flow within, but then also find some longer holds.

    It's a beautiful balanced flow - Hope you love it.

    Em xx

  • Low and High Crescent Lunge Flow

    A short flow working on our lower body with our low and high crescent lunge, whilst sneaking in a new flows and some opening up/heat through the upper body. Hope you love it. Em xx

  • Shoulder Love - Slow Flow Yoga

    We all carry tension in our shoulders so not only is it good to send them some love, but also in our yoga and pilates we are on our hands weight bearing a lot into our shoulders.

    So it's important to find movement in all parts of the body - Hope your shoulders love it.

    Em xx

  • DAY 11 - Get Your Groove Back - Warrior Two Love (Power Flow Yoga)

    Warrior two can be a tricky one to master. We need to ensure our front knee doesn't dump in (we don't want to put pressure on the knee). Let's work on our alignment in this flow (and get a little warm too). Let's flow.
    Em xx

  • Release Your Hips

    A beautiful way to release your hips in a slow yet dynamic way. This flow might challenge you in some areas (as we all hold so much tension in our hips). But you'll love that release!

    I hope you love it as much as I do.

  • Hamstring Stretch - Slow Flow Yoga - Get Your Groove Back

    Oh I am excited about this one. Our hamstrings often get forgotten about, but not today. We also explore our pyramid pose, which is juicy and challenging, so don't force it. Just move your body in whatever way will work for you today and hopefully your hamstrings like a little release. Em xx

  • Open Heart

    A beautiful flow to open your heart and mind. Perfect for whatever mood you are feeling and hopefully will brighten your mood!

    After opening

  • DAY 16 - Get Your Groove Back - Let's Balance (Power Flow Yoga)

    Balance is a hard one for a lot of us, but it's so good to get our groove on and work on it regularly. From standing balances to our crow pose, let's see how wobbly we can get!

    See you on the mat. Em xx

  • Twist and Core - Power Yoga

    If this is as good as it felt when I was filming this, you are onto a winner! We start with giving the upper some love and warm, then we dive straight into our flows!

    Think chair, twists, balance and repeat! Then we dive right into our chair and core flow, ahhh, so good! We slow things down wit...

  • DAY 20 - Get Your Groove Back - Rest and Recover (Slow Flow Yoga)

    Oh this is a goodie! Just a beautiful way to get on the mat, have a wiggle and feel good. Think shoulder, chest and hip opening and a few other groovy bits thrown in there which I know you will love. So let's rest and recover together after a big 20 days. Em xx

  • Just Surrender (Slow Flow)

    It’s all in the name, just surrender. Although a beautiful slow flow, we play with some different transitions and variations that you’ll love to mix up some classic poses into something a little more spicy.

    Think twists, shoulder love and hip/hamstring juiciness.

    Hope you love it.

  • Fluid Flow

    A dynamic slow flow, rippling through the shoulders, warming up the spine and opening the heart.

    Bringing back the mini warrior from the amazing Lil, sending love to the hip flexors, pyramid ripples and variations of half pigeon.

    Finishing with savasana bliss.

    Enjoy - 23 mins.
    Em xx

  • Posture Love

    No matter what you do for work, our posture always can do with some work. In this dynamic slow flow, we focus on posture, posture, posture.

    Enjoy this beautiful flow!

  • Winter Warm ft. Side Plank

    Who said you didn’t sweat in Winter! I had to strip off this week down to my sports bra. Let’s just say Vinyasa Flows and planks will get you good!

    This flow will get you nice and warm, almost like a hot yoga studio from home.

    Hope you love it.

  • Balance and Flow

    Flow and Balance! What a combo! Your arms and triceps will know they are alive and then we give them a rest and find some balances to get the legs a little shaky!

    Give it a go!

  • River Vibes

    Rolling my mat out on the beautiful banks of the Murrumbidgee River for this week’s slow flow. Think opening through the front body, spinal ripples hip love and some balance!

    Perfect for way to slow down after a big week or maybe a mid week flow.

  • High Vibes ft. Slow Power

    After a week off the mat being down with the flu, we ease back with a high vibe, slow/power vibe! Just a beautiful flow if you want a little endorphin boost!

    Think little warm up and then straight into business with warriors, standing splits, goddess pose, twists and flows! We also find a littl...

  • Howdy Hips

    Often we hold a lot of tension here and especially with this cold snap, it’s nice to unlock some of this tension.

    Think a slow but dynamic start and chilled out vibes to end!

  • Slow Winter Vibes

    Ahhhhh the vibes! High vibes on the yoga mat today for whatever mood you’re in. Think slow, shoulders, obliques, hips and chest opening - Ahhhh it’s a beauty!

    We then find a little flow to create balance, find those tight hamstrings and rinse out our hips. Slowing it down, we find lizard pose, ...

  • Jump Through ft. Blocks

    We are using blocks to fire up our power flows! We open the shoulders and front body with our blocks and then dive into our flow before we explore some jump throughs.

    We use our block to add extra heat throughout the flow, strong planks and some bum lifts with our blocks!

    Then we slow down th...

  • Full Body Movement

    Think gentle twists to start with heart opening to follow. Then we get into some lateral flection of the body (feels so good)!

    We then move into the hips and hamstrings to release tension. Finally sending love to the upper body, tricep release, torso twist and of course savasana.

  • Wild Thing Wheel

    Let’s build some heat!! We get straight into it this week with 4 intense flows to get this heart rate up.

    We then dive straight into our scorpion tail, wild thing and one legged flow.

    One last bit of heat, with some roll backs, camel and twists before our bridge and wheel pose.

    Happy baby an...

  • De Stiffen Flow

    We all get a bit stiff when the weather turns cooler. This is the perfect flow to de-stiffen!

    Some beautiful twists and hip openers to begin and some hamstring, hip flexor love and a supine twist to end.

    Enjoy that savasana.