Hey Saltbush Squad!
Your week with Laura is here, brought to you by fresh air and a clear mind set.
Notice all the flows are filmed outdoors, we encourage you to do the same or just enjoy that nice sunshine walk or run!
Enjoy xx

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  • Monday 24th February - Lower Body Love - Pilates

    Welcome to a killer low body flow that will leave you feeling alive. Remember to check on your besties and ask the question, when did you last have your breasts checked?
    Lauz xx

  • Tuesday 25th February - River Vibes - Slow Yoga

    Rolling my mat out on the beautiful banks of the Murrumbidgee River for this week’s slow flow. Think opening through the front body, spinal ripples hip love and some balance!

    Perfect for way to slow down after a big week or maybe a mid week flow.

  • Wednesday 26th February - Sunshine Run - Walk/Run

    This tempo run is going to building your aerobic capacity Stopping and starting in your tempo runs are so important!!! Maybe this is a walk or a run.
    Any movement is the Goal here!! Warm up your soul this winter. Slow andsteady!!
    Let’s go team, Lauz x

  • Thursday 27th February - Don't Worry Be Happy - Slow Yoga

    We get straight into this slow flow, rippling through some flows, and really enjoying that cobra! You will also love the half hanamas, sending love to those hamstrings.

    And enjoying some half pidgin, so roll out your mat and let's flow.

  • Friday 28th February - Long Run - Walk/Run

    Lets go the distance today. Walk a little bit further, run a little bit further.
    Challenge yourself with this one!! Lauz x

  • Saturday 1st March - Speedy Fire Up - Pilates

    A speedy flow that you can squeeze into your day. Find the time to get onto the mat today.
    Lauz xx

  • Sunday 2nd March - Seriously Slow - Slow Flow Yoga

    SLOW IT DOWN! In this flow there are no down dogs, just really scaling it back with some flow vibes! Perfect if you've had a BIG day or if you are wanting some extra stretch after a power flow or other form of exercise.