30 Minute Yoga Workouts

30 Minute Yoga Workouts

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30 Minute Yoga Workouts
  • Triangle Twists

    A block will help you in this flow (but you can still 100% do the flow without it).

    We warm up with a spinal rinse out and twist in a fluid motion and then we flow. Spicing things up with our Warrior 1, eagle arms and humble warrior, then progressing into our triangle twists.

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  • Leggy Love

    Ohhhhh the hips - We will send some love to the hips early on, then building the power and strength through the legs. Of course finding some flow and then diving back into the legs with our bridge/wheel variations.

    We can use a block towards the end in a restive bridge pose if that's what you a...

  • Summer Sweat

    A nice upper body warm up, then we get straight into it! Working that core early on, juicy flows, side planks and a few rounds of the fiery bow pose!

    We end with some nice twists and explore our full yogic breath as our breathing exercise/meditation.

  • Making Movements

    A nice slow flow that is making movement. Linking breath between each pose (although I do have a stack in this one) haha. But it's all part of it! Focusing on balance, calves, hamstrings and glutes.

    With a supported bridge, legs up the wall and supta baddha konasana. Ending with our alternate no...

  • Woking 9 to 5

    Workin 9 to 5 (trying to make a living)! This one's for you (but let's be real, most of us are 6 - 10) haha.

    This flow is targeting the upper body (to release that hunch that we all seem to do in front of a computer, phone or traveling long distances in the car).

    We also release the hip flexo...

  • Criss Cross

    It's all in the name, Criss Cross. A few beautiful twists, really opening up the shoulders. Then we explore some side stretches and feel it in our hips. I hope you LOVE IT!

  • Tricep Transitions

    This is a tough one...but I know how much you are all loving being challenged! Drop to your knees if you need to keep your technique.

    Enjoy your side crow again, keep trying and let me know how you are processing (RIP triceps)

  • Arm Balances 4 - Side Crow

    What you've been building up to over the last 4 flows! Wooooo! And don't stress is you are still working on that crow, KEEP WORKING and your side crow will come in time!

    Enjoy this powerful flow, lots of chairs, kick ups and of course the side crow!

  • Backbends 2 - Fish Pose

    We start with some twists and warm up the upper body. We ripple through a triangle flow find some bridge strength and finish with our heart opening fish pose.

    You will need a block or pillow for this pose.

  • Backbends 3 - Wheel Love

    In this flow we get nice and warm and get the body prepared to find bridge and wheel. If you want to add a little extra to your flow, grab a block and we'll use it within our bridge pose. And remember to breath when in your wheel pose!

  • Backbends 2 - Bow Pose

    We open the heart and get the upper body warm with our bow pose (such a goodie)! We then find variations of our camel then challenge your balance with dancer pose! This is a goodie!

  • Backbends 1 - Locust

    The first flow of our 4 part series. This is a great challenging flow to start to challenge you physically, mentally and maybe try a few new things. Locus pose will get us warm for our reverse table top. Hope you love it.

  • Need To Warm Up?

    We start with opening the front body and chest and then straight into our core and flow!

    A super dynamic flow, challenging your breath, balance and strength.

    Some beautiful twists to end. Give this flow a go!

  • Creating Shapes

    A beautiful flow to make you feel from the inside out...some opening in the chest, and shoulders to prepare for some juicy backbends towards the end.

    A really beautiful flow to create some shapes today! Enjoy! xx

  • Slow and Gentle Power

    A power flow with a slower twist. Sometimes we are in the mood for something something strong (but not too hectic) so this is the perfect flow for you.

    Check out the playlist to go with this flow if you are needing some music inspo.

    Enjoy yogis xx

  • I'm Back Solo

    The first flow back after having my beautiful bubba Ted! Slow, juicy and so much love for my body and mind! Being able to move your body is really such a gift! Never take your body for granted!

    Hope you enjoy this flow. Xx

  • Sitting All Day

    No matter if you are sitting on a motorbike all day or sitting at a desk this flow is for you. A beautiful full body stretch really unlocking those hips!

    Enjoy. Xx