20 Minute Yoga Workouts

20 Minute Yoga Workouts

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20 Minute Yoga Workouts
  • Breathe Baby - Power Yoga - Get It Girl Challenge

  • Hump Day Stretch - Slow Yoga - Get It Girl

    Time to find the chill today, making our way to the end of our challenge now, after all your hard work I will you to really enjoy the stretch. Send the whole body some love, don't forget to smile! Han xx

  • Saltbush Goddess - Power Yoga - Get It Girl Challenge

    A power flow today for all you Saltbush Goddess'! Enjoy the heat and don't forget to breathe!! You've got this girl!! Han x

  • Bend & Fold - Slow Yoga - Get It Girl

    Lets get Bendy together! Balance out the bends with the folds. Sooo nice for the back! Feel the stretch and remember to breathe (especially in those locusts) you've got this girl! Enjoy, Han x

  • Fire Up & Plank - Power Yoga - Get It Girl

    Time to bring some heat onto the yoga mat today! Power those arms and shoulders up, feel that Saltbush Strength! Remember if you need to take it back a notch you can just go back to the first layer! We are half way - Get It Girl!! Han x

  • Day 11 - Lets Twist Girl - Slow Yoga - Get It Girl Challenge

    All the twisty goodness today! Rinsing out the back and finding strength through the legs. All the good slow flow vibes, hope you chicks love it! Han x

  • Find The Chill - Slow Yoga - Get It Girl

    Slowing it right down today. I just want you to focus on your breath, taking notice of your body and when you need to "fing the chill", that is on and off the mat and in everyday life. Enjoy Saltbush babes!! Han xx

  • Dancing Queen - Slow Yoga - Get It Girl

    For this slow flow we are finding chill but adding small elements of heat and balance but still having fun and even a dance together ;)
    Lets Get It Girl - Happy Day 4! Love Han x

  • Like A Warrior - Power Yoga - Get It Girl

    Strong like a warrior! Our first flow together for our "Get It Girl' challenge. Power up through the legs. Find the strength, power and a little bit of balance in this flow today.
    Love, Han x

  • Day 19 - Sista Strength - Power Yoga - Saltbush Sista

    Fire up chicks - our last flow together for this challenge, lets make it a good one. Find that strength with your sista today and power through it. Enjoy the heat, you got this Sis! Be so proud of yourself!
    Han xx

  • Day 17 - Find Stillness - Slow Yoga - Saltbush Sista

    Completely slowing it down, being still, breathing and a lot of self love. Enjoy a bit of meditation/mindfulness at the start to full relax into your mat space today and enjoy the slow stretch with me and your Saltbush Sis.
    Han xx

  • Spinal Love - Power Yoga - Saltbush Sista

    It's time for us to send that spine some love, its does a lot more for us then you even know - so today is all about the spinal love in our power flow!
    Get ready to move into the last week of our challenge together Saltbush Sista's! Keep grovin'
    Han xx

  • Day 12 - Love Your Body - Power Yoga - Saltbush Sista

    FULL BODY LOVE - Yesss, just what the doctor ordered. And with your Saltbush Sis, thats really what the doctor ordered. Instead of focusing on certain area's today, we are going the whole hog, sharing the love throughout the entire body. Enjoy queens!
    Han xx

  • Upper Body Bliss - Slow Yoga - Saltbush Sista

    Ahhhh, some upper body bliss today. Sending the love to the shoulders, arms and back in this slow flow. Nothing better - we hold so much tenison here without even realising. Your body will love this.
    Lots of love, Em xx

  • Day 5 - Beautiful Balance - Power Yoga - Saltbush Sista

    Wobbles are TOTALLY welcome today, I well and truly had them! Haha
    Beautiful balance, lets have some fun, challenge yourself and lean on your Saltbush Sista if you need ;)
    Hope you have a laugh with this one, will be a challenge, but will be fun!
    Han xx

  • Day 3 - Slow Stretch Vibes - Slow Yoga - Saltbush Sista

    Happy Sunday Saltbush Sistas!!
    Our first flow together for this challenge - YAY, so excited.
    Let's slow it down and stretch it out, exactly what you need on a Sunday!
    Han xx