Power Flow Yoga

Power Flow Yoga

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Power Flow Yoga
  • Half Moon Twists - Power Yoga (Em)

    We start slowish but it's a movement slow (don't worry not just lying there)!

    We find a few sun b's to warm up and then we try out some twisting chair and lunge variations with a block and then for the main event our Half Moon and twist! Balance is hard here, but give it a go!

    To wind things do...

  • Arm Strength

    A full body flow that will challenge and reward you all at the same time. Think flows, planks, kick ups, crow, pigeon, gin and tonics and more.

    It's a really beautiful flow! Enjoy xx

  • Wheely Nice

    A beautiful back bendy flow with some spinal love to get warm, followed by some cobra variations of our flow.

    We then explore locus pose, camel pose and then we dive into our bridge and wheel flow.

    Rinsing out with a twist & happy baby and of course savasana!

  • Bridge and Wheel Love

    We start with gently warming up the spine and then feel the heat!

    We are prepping for a backbend, so the focus for the class is getting the body ready to do so.

    Think, core, flow and locus pose! Before diving into bridge with a modified version then we find the peak pose wheel. Rinsed out with...

  • Eagle Twist

    We start with some thread the needles and spinal rolls to get warm, then we move straight into out eagle flow working on balance and strength, rinsing it out with a juicy triangle pose! 

    We find some gentle twists before stretching it out and settling in for a GnT.

  • Humble Hover

    We get straight into it with this flow, rippling the body to get warm, then turning on our core with some hovers! Always a goodie!

    We then move into our flow, with a few warriors, the last of our dolphin theme, and then a supported bridge pose before savasana!


  • Chair and Bridge Flow

    We start with warming up spine and hips, then we dive straight into our chair, core and bridge flow!

    So good! 20 mins just goes so fast (maybe not when we are doing core) haha.

    We finish with some hamstring love, twists and of course savasana!

  • Triangle Twists

    A block will help you in this flow (but you can still 100% do the flow without it).

    We warm up with a spinal rinse out and twist in a fluid motion and then we flow. Spicing things up with our Warrior 1, eagle arms and humble warrior, then progressing into our triangle twists.

    You also might f...

  • Do it Dolphin - Power Yoga

    A power flow to get you feeling the high vibes! We warm up the wrists and then get into some balancing core work.

    We explore twisting lunges, pyramid, puppy dogs flow and of course of dolphin pose.

  • Leggy Love

    Ohhhhh the hips - We will send some love to the hips early on, then building the power and strength through the legs. Of course finding some flow and then diving back into the legs with our bridge/wheel variations.

    We can use a block towards the end in a restive bridge pose if that's what you a...

  • Murrumbidgee Magic

    We get straight into this flow, it was a little chilly outdoors on the Murrumbidgee River banks (but so worth it). We find strength and release through the upper back with a flow series of cobra poses.

    Then we dive into our flow with a balancing series to get nice a warm. I also throw in a warr...

  • Locus Love ft. Dolphin

    So much locus here in Carrathool at the moment, so thought I'd throw in some locus love for you.

    We warm up the wrists, upper body and core to start with, transitioning into our flow with a sneaky chair and warrior 1.

    Moving into the good stuff with two rounds of locus and the finding the pow...

  • Summer Sweat

    A nice upper body warm up, then we get straight into it! Working that core early on, juicy flows, side planks and a few rounds of the fiery bow pose!

    We end with some nice twists and explore our full yogic breath as our breathing exercise/meditation.

  • You're A Warrior

    We are upping the intensity from last week and keeping the theme of our Warrior 1 going strong! We warm up the wrists, and get straight into it...holding out W1 for a little longer (to get those juicy vibes flowing)!

    We also find some balance and end with half pigeon (sooo good)! Hope you love ...

  • Fluid Movements

    A real vibe. Slower but still so strong! Beautiful opening of the shoulders and release of the calves to start with.

    Then a juicy flow filled with eagle arms, side planks, wild thing, fallen triangle and half pigeon. To end we find our alternate nostril breathing exercise/meditation.

  • Balance, Flow, Repeat - Power Flow (Em)

    Ahhhh, you know I love a good "flow". We get warm with a Sun Salutation A, then we get JUICY (my new favourite word). We explore a fab flow of balances (whilst getting hawt), and then we send the love to the hamstrings for our triangle pose.

    Ending with some nice twists and explore our equal br...

  • Outdoor Arms

    If you are wanting a longer flow, filled with flows, twists, balances and of course some juicy arm balances, this flow is for you.

    We then wind things down and enjoy our savasana. Total bliss! Enjoy xx

  • Warrior 1 Buzz ft. Kick Up

    Ripples to get the body warm, plank holds to build some fire, Warrior 1's to get you sweaty and make sure you know your hip flexors are alive AND kick ups just to put the icing on the cake!

    We finally make it to the mat and find some bridge poses to balance out the lower half of our bodies fini...

  • Warrior 1 Vibes

    This theme will be focusing on our Warrior 1 pose and other transitioning poses.

    Our Warrior 1 pose helps build power and strength in the lower body, stretches the hip flexors and opens the chest and shoulders! It's a goodie!

    Bring it on!

  • Sun B

    Today’s flow we explore our sun b variation. Maybe a little slower than normal, but still really nice to get the body moving.

    Hope you love it!

  • Flowing Layers

    This flow is all about adding layers. But I want you to rock wherever you are, so if you need to stick with the first layer, stay there. If you want to add more, add more.

    This flow is in conjunction with our arm balancing theme for September. So I hope you love it and RIP those arms!

  • Arms and Balance

    I manage to add lots of juiciness into this short flow and I hope you LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it! We explore some down dogs and planks to get warm and then ripple through a balancing flow.

    We then create more heat with our layers of crow pose, perfect for newbies to the pose or advanced yogis!

  • Wobble Wobble

    An outdoors flow! YAY! And this flow is all in the name, you might be doing a little bit of wobbling (but embrace it)! Your calves will be on FIRE with the fun variation of chair pose.

    Mixing it up with a fun eagle transition, which also will find your hips :) Some core and CHILL!

  • Creating Balance

    A dynamic flow, focusing on balance in different ways to challenge you physically and mentally.

    We build up to our peak pose, birds of paradise! Give it a go and have fun!